Enhance relationships with instructional, student and administrative staff.
Encourage feedback from all divisions on MRC collections, services, initiatives etc.
Maximize the full potential of the MRC staff thereby offering the best service to patrons.
Improve communications between the MRC and all divisions and to ensure the needs of each division are met through the provision of constant support to staff.
Improved communication between the MRC and the various divisions.
Constant support to academic staff as the Media Resource Centre seeks to ensure that the needs of each division is met.
Increased visibility for the Media Resource Centre.
Divisional Representatives
Annette Clarke: Divisions of Agriculture, Business Studies and Human Ecology.
Lamar Nicholls: Divisions of Automotive and Welding Engineering, Building Studies and Electrical Engineering.
Julia Ward: Distance and Continuing Education/Open and Flexible Learning Centre, and Mechanical Engineering and Printing.